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The only major issue is the fact that after flying through any of the poles camera un-norths itself and its really confusing

(6 edits) (+5)

Here is my ideas for cool things to add to the game as you said you were neglecting gameplay - 

. A practice mode where you can fly around delivering packages to countries so there could learn the map but it shows country names and maybe cities 

. Then an option to go into the regular mode that you have already created to use what they have learned from the practice mode

 . A timed mode where you get given a place to deliver a package and depending on what time you do it in and how close you get it you get bronze, silver or gold and if it takes you too long you fail

 . A cool cartoony menu as I really like the style you have created for the game 

. I like the idea that the clouds would slow you down a bit so there would be something too slow you down in the timed mode but it wouldn't really make sense in the other modes

 . More obstacles in some of the modes like other planes but not in the timed one because to point of that would be to see how fast you can remember where a place is and get there 

. Showing famous landmarks around the map to make it easier for newcomers to geography and as a way to remember places 

. Some sort of stats tracker (not exactly sure what it would track but it would show your improvement which would motivate you 

. Seems like a small game so I don't know if loading screens would be needed but maybe loading screen tips that would tell you facts about places that could maybe help people find stuff 

. Maybe a hard mode where borders are taken away along with landmarks for people who want to fully test their skills 

. This game on steam with all of these features and hopefully more, I've seen some other really cool suggestions in the comments (I would easily spend money on this game like it was triple A so please make that happen)

. Customisation options, but not ones you have to unlock. From previous experience having to unlock things makes me burned out because when i have them all I feel like I have no reason to play. However, games without unlocks give you a constant reason to play, getting better at the game

I've seen lots of people suggest that you just fly around with the country names there to learn the countries and stuff but that isn't really fun, that's just looking at google maps but having to press more buttons so I came up with these ideas. I love coming up to creative ways to solve problems in game design without outright telling the player what to do (not saying I'm good at it) so if these were added it would make me feel happy.


One of the best games I have found in a while. Thanks for creating this masterpiece.

Deleted 2 years ago

Thank you.

Thanks, this helps...

I love your work but I have to remind you that showing country boarder lines in an entertainment product is putting yourself at risk with many political issues involved.

I suggest separating the map by continents or some abstract areas.

Showing the goal city's names without countries might help.



Runs flawlessly on GTX960 4Mb + i5-4460 @ 3.20 + 16GB Ram


Thanks so much for sharing. The game is beautiful and your videos are freaking incredible.

Lots of great recommendations for potential additions here already, I'll add a couple of my own:

- Some kind of dramatic 'drop cam' would be nice so that we can watch the package fall and see where it landed. I find myself desperately turning around to see it falling and how far it was from the dot. Maybe you could even draw a line between the package and the destination (in case someone is reaaally far off).

- Increase the ceiling height even more so that we can get a better perspective of where we are.

- Bring back clouds and weather! That looked amazing, and it would make it a real challenge if the wind slightly interracted with the package and/or your ability to fly.


Id really suggest to make it so the more populated cities are more likely to get and the less populated cities are less likely to get, and also if you already did a city you won't get that city anymore until you restart the game, and you should add a red dot under the plane so you know exactly where your going to drop the package. There should be a free cam feature so you can just look at the planet.

Unsurprisingly it runs at 60 fps with my RTX 2060 i7-9700 CPU and 16gb of ram. 

If you hit Q you can look from the top down which helps with aiming

amazing work man!

inspiring work SL!

(1 edit) (+1)

It fails to run on MacOS Monterey 12.1 (not M1). Is there anything I can do to run it?  🤔


Sorry, it was standard macos archiver which broke the app. Using Unarchiver works :)


Thanks for the tip! I was having the same issue.

Maybe get a proper PC lol sorry, im not an Apple fan.

Sure, once there will be one 😃👍

(1 edit)
  • User Unarchiver
  • Open Finder
  • Highlight the software you are trying to Open
  • Press “control”
  • Right “Click” & Select “Open”



    This is great, thanks. Any chance of a simple 'discover' mode; no packages, it just highlights boundary you're over and shows the name up top?

    Would be a great way to learn for kids.


    Just one more comment: Yellow airplane blends with city lights when looking from above when flying at night. A different color of wings could make it more distinct and clearer for night flying.

    So, I've started to fly around and got mission to Melbourne, Australia, while I was around Antarctica I've found some islands that had too strong heights


    nice one Sebastian, been wondering where you went for three months lol

    (2 edits) (+3)

    Amazing game, you've got a great base here, the videos explaining everything were amazingly enjoyable just by themselves.

    I know you haven't put a lot into the gameplay still so I'll try to give a few ideas there. For me at least, it was rather difficult figuring out where I was, specially in large masses of land or water, or at night. I think a compass could help a lot, knowing where north is could be enough, if not you could even have a mini map, or something more simple, a radar that bias faster as you get close to your destination.

    Aside from that you could play around with having to pick up something in a country, and dropping it in another, some turbos, gas, countries in war that try to shoot you down, this could also become a great dogfight game.

    Keep up the great work, I will definitely be keeping up with it :)


    The game already looks awesome!

    I get a bit lost and wasn't able to find the continent i live on (Europe).

    Maybe a Training could be added where the continents and cities have names and it starts with simple missions to just deliver to the right continent and later to popular cities. It could also be a game mode to just have popular cities.

    Maybe you can get some inspiration for the gameplay from people playing GeoGuessr on YouTube.

    Keep up the good work and thanks for providing a linux version!


    Fantastic Game! 

    Features I'd like:

    Ability to slow down plane

    Camera control(able to look without turning)

    Ability to show point where package will be dropped.  

    Some kind of light source on the oceans (ships?Oil Platforms?)


    Sometimes the correct location isn't shown(or is obstructed by city lights?)

    Stars are very sparse and barely visible

    (2 edits)

    Loved the game!!!

    -Intel Core i5-8250U
    -AMD Radeon 520 (2GB)
    -4GB ram ddr4
    -windows 11

    My laptop doesn't have any problem running it
    keep it up bro :)


    gameplay 1/10
    visuals 10/10

    Hey so I just bought a copy of your game before watching your video all the way through and a couple of problems appeared.

    I'm looking for a game that teaches geography and "Where in the world is Carmen Sandiego" just won't cut it. Your program fit the bill almost perfectly, well, at least the version of it you showed at the beginning of the video did. The version I got when I downloaded it really won't work for two reasons. Up does not equal north when in the top-down mode, and the names of nations don't appear.

    I wish you had different difficulties. Like easy could be Up equals North for top-down, with names of nations appearing, and Medium could be no names of nations appear but Up still equals North in top-down mode, and hard could be no top-down mode at all and no names of nations appearing.

    Runs great on my 16" MacBook with M! Max, but I did need to run it through the itch app.

    The font sizes are all messed up on the menu screens though.

    (1 edit) (+1)

    Great game, i was able to play smoothly and fluently on my computer.

    • AMD FX 8350 Eight-Core Processor
    • ASUS GTX 760
    • 8 GB RAM
    • Windows 10 (10.0.19043 Build 19043
    (1 edit) (+3)

    I played for a while, had a blast as a geographer and GIS student. Using Windows 10 on a Lenovo Legion laptop with NVIDIA GeForce GTX 1650 and the only performance complaint I have is that I don't see the stars at night - I only learned about them in the comment section here. But atmosphere at day seems fine, the yellowish tint at the horizon changing into blue.

    As to suggestions: It would be nice for the marker of correct location to stay on for a while longer, so that we have time to manouver around and find it. 

    Maybe it would be also useful to rebind controls: speed up and down to W/S and altitude change to e.g. Z/X. It feels intuitive in the game to press W to speed up for me, more than to change elevation.

    I believe the game has huge educational potential, but for that it'd need more labels on the map as we fly. The GUI could have the name of the country we currently fly above displayed either around the goal list or even by the airplane itself. Maybe also a "regional mode", where we choose a limited selection of cities available as goals, would be possible - so we can fly only around a single continent or have only country capitals as targets.

    Overall great experience and a fantastic, little, relaxing game I love it.

    I too don't see the stars


    Great game! A bit large for a game this simple but it makes it absolutely stunning!


    It's not simple at all though!


    They mean from a gameplay perspective


    But the size of the game has no relation to the gameplay.


    exactly. That's their point.


    I'm so excited to be able to play this! I've been watching your updates on this for a while, and it's stunning :D

    I thought I knew my geography until I played this lol, it's proving very difficult. I think you do lose your way quite quickly. 

    A little sad to see that the clouds were removed, they looked like a fun touch to see them disperse as you fly through them.

    I love that you added the ability to see from different view points, and also to fly up and down. 

    The game runs smoothly on my PC, and I have a pretty rubbish PC lol, I have Dual Pentium, GTX 710, 16gb. 


    The nightime lights seem a little too bright, and also too large, maybe they could be minimized so they dont look blurry and disorientating. 

    Perhaps a little compass off to the side of the screen which you can toggle on/off would be nice.

    The country boarder black lines are also on the large size, especially when you fly down towards the earth, they appear almost the same size as the plane.

    Ability to slow down the plane

    Light up a red circle around the area your package dropped


    Some kind of point system, which will start of giving points for delivery proximity, and as you progress through levels, the delivery proximity field would decrease.

    Would be really cool to possibly unlock different plane types also as you progress.

    Maybe could also add a bonus for the speed of delivery too

    Could even add a pop up with info of the Country upon successful deliveries.


    Absolutely ENTRANCED by these videos! Please keep going! <3


    OK just spend the last 30mins giggling whilst flying around and have some feedback.

    1. Would like to see some variation on speed with altitude. This goes well with your whole 'accuracy' model as your ground speed increases whilst maintaining similar airspeed at higher altitude.
    This then allows us to speed up and cruise to our destination and then slow down and descend for deliveries.

    1a just thinking too, that maybe speed is linked to aircraft type and as you get more points you get better planes and can travel further :D

    2. It's very hard to currently gauge when to release the package. Combination of speed and camera angle I assume.
    Flip side of this was me almost jumping out of my seat when I got a 2km drop distance ;)

    3. City lights at night (IMHO) are too bright or perhaps the light points are too large. This is more obvious is remote areas where there are fewer lights but they have the same brightness as the city.

    Looking forward to the next video!


    When I drop a package all of the UI in the game scene disappears, is it just me?

    Deleted post

    Same here. No luck fixing it. On a M1 Max 16" MBP.

    Same here on an iMac M1

    same in macbook pro, intel and with macos monterey


    Super cool! I'm learning lots of geography rn and would love to see this turned into a full-fledged short game. Only feedback is that night is way too dark. I wish there was a way to turn it off or somehow have universal light instead of having to wait for the sun. Also a way to slow down the plane when making deliveries to smaller countries.


    It will not let me get on the game from File Explorer and it keeps on saying that this app can't run on this PC and before It was saying that my computer thought it was a dangerous app, any idea's on how to fix it?

    (1 edit) (+1)

    For most of the apps or games I have that would not work on my pc, I just run them as admin and they work. I do not know if this will help but I think it is worth trying.

    (1 edit) (+1)

    just click more, then click run anyways. It's a common issue with new games. It will keep doing this until Windows recognizes that it has enough downloads and trusts the app.


    great game. runs better than most games do on my shitty laptop. surprisingly good fun. some lag encountered when passing over dense areas at night (usa, india and japan being main offenders).

    (2 edits)

    yes, you need a computer with good dedicated graphics. I have a GTX 1650 which runs he game great 

    Deleted post

    Some good ideas in these early days! I had more fun than I thought I would trying to figure out where the heck I was!


    Great game!Runs smoothly although for some reason if i miss the delivery the UI disappears and I can't see the city names. Anyone else?

    Im running on a Macbook Pro 2020 with M1 chip and the macOs is Big Sur version 11.5.1

    (1 edit) (+3)

    Yep. getting the same thing. on an m1 macbook air


    Same thing for me with my m1 MacBook air running Monterey 12.2 beta


    I spent way to much time playing this. Obvious features would be a hit/miss count.  works fine on Windows 10, RTX2070, Ryzen5 3600, 16gig


    There are some issues with the Linux/OpenGL build of this game.

    I'm getting "This GfxDevice does not support asynchronous readback" in the console on AMD integrated graphics (open source Linux driver) and I think it's affecting some game features:

    • Packages fall through the Earth, maybe it can't read height for collision?
    • They also aren't counted as dropped and I can drop as many as I want
    • Countries aren't highlighted
    • Colour banding in the atmosphere

    This doesn't happen with the Windows build under Wine, so I think it's to do with OpenGL. This seems relevant from my Googling:


    Or maybe using Vulkan on Linux would help?


    Hey, thanks for the reports! Have tried fixing the async readback issue, if you have some time to redownload the linux version and try it again, I'd love to hear if that's working now.


    It works perfectly now, thanks!


    It unfortunately insta-crashes on older macOS versions, both from the itch app and direct download


    Runs smooth on my PC, but for some reason the atmosphere scattering shader's texture renders upside down:

    Also, no stars to be seen ;P (presumably for the same reason)

    GPU is RTX 3050 Mobile, OS is Linux (this is the most likely culprit).


    try changing the res?

    sry idk


    The Game is probably made to display more colors than your monitor can.. (try look up 16 and 32 bit colors)


    Hey, I've tried to fix the upside down atmosphere. If you have time to download and try the linux version again, I would love to hear back if it's working now.

    (2 edits)

    Hey, Sorry for the belated response (I don't check my often)
    I can confirm that this is now fixed, and is looking absolutely stunning. Thanks!

    Edit: still no stars though apparently ( but judging from other comments ( this may not be linked to my being on Linux.


    how do i deliver :///

    im kinda dumb lmao


    Press space, you can see all the controls in the "about" section in the menu


    really enjoyed the game. although I often find myself lost. a compass direction would be nice :)

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