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Amazing! Love it. 

It ran with on my standard M1 Mac Air with 8Gb RAM quite well. Just had some minor FPS drop now and then. 

I just had the same issue as mentioned by other of the destinations UI disappearing after the first package was delivered. But the world you created is such a joy to view. I would love to slow down, enjoy the view, learn about countries/cities. Maybe even the stars. 

the game is great, but I would turn down the exaggeration a bit because when you fly over like Hawaii it just looks bad and not very much like a largely visited holiday island


so beautifull great job and your videao are so cool


Very nice start. On a Mac (Big Sur 11.6) I could not see any way to access the top-down view. Also the text disappears on the menu buttons, and after you drop the first package there seems to be no way to get a new city.

Stylistically it's very cool, although personally I think the Z-index is a little too exaggerated.


can you make this a web game please


Hi Sebastian, some ideas to improve gameplay: 

1. Continent, country, and city names with respect to LOD. This would really make it a top notch learning experience for geography.

2. GPS coordinate display on UI 

3. Under plane view to see package release and a temporary camera UI overlay that follows the package until touchdown.

4. Buttons that execute exciting plane maneuvers, ie. loop, barrel roll


100% agree with No.1. An exploration mode with countries and cities below the plane would be awesome by itself.

Further ideas for the gameplay with packages:

- Distance of package from actual location

- Some sort of pin shooting up in the sky showing the city so you can see it from the inclined view

- Back mirror view to see package land in inclined view

- Keep city name displayed until new one has been selected


Was kind of fun for ~5-10 minutes, but yeah.. definitely huge potential to be a fun little gamified way of learning the current world. Hoping that the country names would be shown in a fun way in a future update. Maybe instead like it shows the name of the country under the plane in your video, could also have an option to have a map variant where all the country names are written over them - bigger the country bigger the font (or just have the country name appear when flying over like revealing it from a 'fog of war') and maybe even add other info for those countries too (nationality, flag, capitol name, etc. in the corner of the screen somehow). 

Gameplay wise it would be good idea to have an option for a compass (something that leads you to the 'target', even if it wouldn't show directly but just '# meters away' as you try search for it.) I like the idea for speeding up, so maybe for accurate 'package bombing' could have a key (CTRL) to slow the plane down and make a little dot on the map where the package will land. To keep people engaged more, could have a scoring system of some sort, or just plain old upgrades (see what I did here har-har) so perfect deliveries unlock plane types/colors/trails and such. 

Personally I didn't like the nighttime orange city lights (and them matching country borders) but its a good idea to show population spots somehow like that. Maybe some option to set the time as you fly (having sun always be positioned static with the plane - morning/noon/evening/night)? Also could have an option in the menu that keeps the world 'real-time' using system clock. World height-map is a little too funky and needs to be toned down, as it makes some tiny islands be just spikes, and sudden elevation of mountainous areas does not feel natural at all (I'd honestly be more comfortable with the world being much more flat once the clouds get added in). 

Game run fine for me without any complications (beefy specs, so no idea how it would be on low-end system). Needs many more options (resolution/keybind change to begin with), some sound (plane engine rattle / chill background music loop) and a proper UI (both menus and in-game). Otherwise I wish this project all the best and hopefully it will shape out to be a fun little game in the future. Would definitely buy it again for a proper price once it gets fledged out, and preferably a Steam release for a future handheld experience ;)


it looks so charming and fun! too bad it is way to laggy to play on my macbook pro? any advice?

(1 edit) (+1)(-3)

It will not run on my 2010 mac, which I guess is pretty obvious. It would be cool it there was a system to, check the specs of the system. Then take those specs and have a quality control. So it can actually open, on older/less powerful computers.

I would really like to try it, it looks very cool.

Honestly, the visuals are amazing! The idea behind is great too, can't wait to see where this goes!

this is AMAIZING


there isn't much gameplay (yet) but it does look sick ! would love to have custom keymapping tho, and maybe some graphics controls, like enable clouds, being able to play with the quality of the geometry, etc...



On windows 10 whenever I star "Geographical Adventures.exe" it doesn't start and instead it freezes my file explorer. I don't think that its due to my PC being bad because it pretty good for games like this. Hopefully it's going to be fixed as soon as possible.

(1 edit) (+3)(-1)

how is that a bug, the game is still a prototype, so there's no optimizations yet, this game eats 2 GB RAM. (did you unzip the entire file?)


I love following Sebastian's channel and his tip are really handy so let's see where this series go's.


Please add a compass. Navigating the world is difficult enough.


why does it crash on my mac :( i can't even open it 

i have the same problem, but on windows. My file explorer just freezes and i cant do nothing with it so i have to restart it. Hopefully its fixed soon.

إبراهيم الهلالي : it would be great of the moon was always following the night side because its too dark , also the reflection of the moon and the stars on the water would look sick

(2 edits) (+4)

Some changes I would make:
- Add settings to adjust graphics
- Toggles to enable clouds between none/static/wind-driven
- The ability to land when the plane flies too low, to better enjoy the scenery
- Freecam with arrow keys
- Score counter based on accuracy. Something like score += 10 - max(round(log(1.585, distanceKmFromTarget)), 0)

genius. custom keymapping would be cool too


why Flight Simulator if you can play Geographical Adventures

(1 edit) (+4)

Nice little game with a lot of potential into making this game really cool!

I'm a junior sound designer and if you want sound in your project let me know I would love to add some sounds to the environment and plane and of course homemade music!

Overall, this is a neat project, loved the feeling of going through different countries

Hit me up if you are ever interested :) 


You can put specific ethnic music or anthem in every country. When you flay above some country and drop the package, you listen to that song during flight...

Deleted post

Loving it <3

(2 edits) (+1)

I am loving thissss, I'm glad you posted the project publicly. Just one thing I'm having trouble with - sometimes the top-down camera isn't oriented properly. I'd looveeee it even more if you made it so the camera always has North at the top of the screen. Thank you again for posting this lovely gameeee :)

Left and right arrow keys will rotate the camera in top-down view.

Ohhh, that's odd. Well I suppose I don't really need my mouse for the game anyways. Thank you for the tip!

My biggest issue was I could not accurately drop packages from the normal view (not the top down) many times my package would land 10-60 km away from my intended target.


When looking straight ahead, you should release your package when your target is at the very bottom of the screen. A marker below the plane might make that more obvious though.


I have a mac book air (2019) and whenever i try to open the game it says 

"The application “Geographical Adventures” can’t be opened."

can any1 help me? thx

Use another unarchiver like 'The Unarchiver' on the app store

Just unzip the file normally and add executable permissions of "Geographical Adventures" file

(1 edit) (+1)

thanks vLew99 that worked for me - instructions below for those new to permission setting:

you will still need to allow it to run in the security system preferences depending on which MacOS you are running...

This is a great game, especially for a geographically minded kid like my son. One problem is even if I know where the city was the plane often was traveling too quickly to drop accurately on it, and for costal cities there was a high chance of dropping it in the soup.  A bomb sight would be nice. Also the top down view  was a little disorienting  when it was not aligned with North. Some sort of rotate view while top down function would be nice.

Somebody just replied to my comment about the camera thing, apparently you can use the arrow keys to change the camera if it gets messed up! :)

(1 edit)

Running on 64-bit Linux (Lubuntu). 

Error Message:

Set current directory to /home/chr/Dokumente/Geographical Adventures/Geographical Adventures

Found path: /home/chr/Dokumente/Geographical Adventures/Geographical Adventures/Geographical-Adventures.x86_64

no boot config - using default values

Unzipped using arc, tried chmod +x and a+x. Both yield the same result. 

Additionally: The Win-Version with wine works, but there are issues with rendering texture and the sky is plain white. Would love to see, whether the Linux-specific would work better. :)

On Win10 works fine and is really fun to play :)

Where Do i open It? you comment as u know (Thx:D)


unzip, allow the application to run (depending on your OS different ways), play :)


do i need to install Unity?

you dont need unity to launch the game


Definitely needs some sound. Feels super empty without any.

Music on top of the sounds would be nice too.


Hi, Sebastian. Enjoying your game, mind if I create a soundtrack for it?

(1 edit)

hi, i just played the game here's what i found tough, people that are bad at geography, it's hard for them to find the places, obviously im talking about me. so it would be awesome if there is a 2D minimap available on screen that shows the locations of the both plane and drop locations. and i think it would be great if you consider my request and may add airforce planes that follow and attack you if you missdrop a package in a wrong location and you can get rid of them by flying fast or by attacking them. the oceans looks fake, when you fly by them you can see the deformities of the sphere, that isnt how oceans look and i know you know that too but comparing it with how land looks, oceans look too fake. and it'd great if there's a option available to change text sizes.

edit: here are some more things that can be improved, night sky is too dark to fly in, some dim light around the plane will be awesome.


Runs great at full res on MacBook Pro M1. Issues I noticed on this platform are the names of the dropoff destinations only appear at the beginning and never again, making trying to find anything but the first destination an international guessing game. And the in-game menu has no text in.

Really great work Sebastian, I enjoy your videos.

same here with MacBook Pro M1

same here, only the first mission is visible, after that all the texts disappear.

Yes, same here.
Love the game, runs really well on MacBook Air M1.

After first dropoff new places don't appear on screen nor is there text in the in-game menu. You can't still drop packages but you don't really know where.


This was an amazing game. It would be so good as an educational tool in classrooms. Great work! 

I absolutely love the game! I know I'll spend hours flying around!

I hope that in the speed of the plane can be slowed down or controlled in the future as most of the time I find the speed a bit to fast. 

(1 edit) (+1)

Awesome! I praised it on YT, for the general atmosphere, and I still do. Allthough, now that I played it, for me personally, it's missing 3 minor changes:

  1. A compass (so I don't get lost).
  2. A "learning" mode, where conutry names are overlayed (to get us noobs restarted in geograpy)
  3. The ability to turn off night time. (It's sometimes too hard to navigate to.)

Thanks! GG!

(lol! saying 'gg' to a game developer has a different ring to it!)


When I dropped a package somewhere along the south side of south America it said i missed and had dropped it in France, I know I was in south America because my next package was Mexico city and that was right.


I am pretty sure that you dropped your package in French Guiana, which is an overseas territory of France located just north of Brazil - that or you just missed South America and your package hit Martinique or Guadaloupe, but most likely the former.

I just realized you said the South Side of South America - oops. I don't know why this would be then. Are you sure it wasn't further North?

actually, reading my comment i am an idiot. I meant to say south east.


It's great fun to play, and works well on my PC once I turn the resolution down from 4K, but that's more an issue of my lacking gpu.

Some gameplay-related issues/suggestions:

Especially at night orientation can be hard. A compass would be great, there were times when I was flying around until I found a familiar shape of a country to gauge which way I was going

Slowing down would be great

hello, i played with a macbook pro 2015 and after sending the first package, the UI disappears.

I can't choose anywhere to send the package, and when I pause it, the words on the buttons don't appear. I don't know if it's a bug or it's because of the mac

same here, mac air M1 chip

i use macos monterey

Locked 240FPS with 1070 Ti and 3700X.

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