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when you have a package to drop, Timor-Leste is called Timor-Leste, but on the map, it's called east Timor. really confusing

Hey how do you run the game in Linux?


just solved this

can you please help me , run this on linux?

am should I open it with something else?

did you install the mac version?

(1 edit)

I believe so but if not im reinstalling it now

edit:  yup still nope


If you install the standalone version, you can go to the .app, right click -> open package contents -> and open that path in your terminal.

The path will probably be something along the lines of:


Once you are in that directory, run to make it executable

chmod +x Geographical\ Adventures

now you can run the application

Open it though the launcher

which launcher?

(+1) launcher


that works thanks

that's great

(1 edit) (+3)

If you are a geography teacher, install this game for your students!


Very nice work!


In the current version, I can't deliver Packages. I drop them, they land, but the game does not recognize that.


Should be fixed now, sorry.


One of the best indie games I've played.
Very relaxing and the dev logs were amazing to watch.


cool game. I learned so many things. thanks for making such a educational game. it also good for schools to learn geography.

(1 edit) (+3)

Great game! I've been eagerly keeping up with the updates. One issue is that the packages are all clipping through the map and popping out the other side of the globe


Should be fixed now, sorry about that!


the packages just fly through the ground and then nothing happens


Oops, sorry about that! Should be fixed now if you download it again.

Same Problem

Great project, good work so far. Thanks for sharing all this.


Please fix on Mac, it always stops working after the first package drop

Very interesting, but urgently needs a map. I felt completely illiterate geographically. The map is the most urgent item. Then there needs to be some sounds, sound of the plane flying at least. These two items would already help a lot. But it's a great job without a doubt.

You could just use displacement shader + normal maps for yours terrains without manually manipulating vertexes. 

Also, you could bake Earth globe in 3d editor and just use result FBX in Unity.

But obviously efficiency was not the main goal of the projects.


OS: Parrot Security (Linux)
Hardware: -I5 10th gen
                         -nvidia quadro P520
                         -40Gb ram
                         -lenovo P15s thinkpad (laptop)

conception: pretty good, interesting idea but gameplay as indicated is quite boring after a few minutes.

ideas to implement- 1st person cockpit view

                                           - a compass at the bottom of the screen

                                           -an indicator on the map or compass for the less than                                                       knowledgeable people for locating the right areas.

                                           -a section of the menu to pull up an optional tutorial for                                                 beginners

                                           -throttle control would be nice

current status (incomplete) as of 04/04/2022-> 6/10 idea

                                                                                                      -> 5/10 gameplay

                                                                                                      -> 4/10 intuitive gameplay

                                                                                                      -> 10/10 resource usage

WOW, amazing work. This is a very nice concept and I love all the work you've put into it...

If I was to make one big suggestion, would be to add support for controllers, and also Windows  ARM64 support. It would be great to play this on the go in my ARM PC handheld, so if this is something you could consider adding, it would mean a lot :) Thank you so much, and I will love to continue supporting your work


I think wine works with Arm, so maybe you could figure out something with wine and WSL.

Thank you, but yeah my PC is windows not Linux. Tho I will give it a try on another system too.... If ARM64 is not feasible in Windows, maybe considering adding an x86(32bit) version too would be cool.... again, amazing work and can't wait to see this game evolve further :)


mac app doesns't work. just says it's not possible to open it. anyone can help?


use the itch app for mac os, worked for me

If you install the standalone version, you can go to the .app, right click -> open package contents -> and open that path in your terminal.

The path will probably be something along the lines of:


Once you are in that directory, run to make it executable

chmod +x Geographical\ Adventures 

now you can run the application


I sub to your channel didn't think that it wouldv'e been on itch

(1 edit) (+1)

Amazing Project! I made a list of some of the features that could improve the game if they are implemented in future updates btw
• maybe improved menu screen as the current one looks kinda bland tbh
• Rearranged GUI for the city selector (maybe on the sides)
• Some sort of compass (maybe an overhead one on the top which shows which direction you're facing)
• A mini (world) map in one of the corners so that's its easy to navigate between continents quickly (it could just be a small blue and green one, doesn't have to have all the small details)
• Country indicator (maybe integrated into the overhead compass)
• Day/Night Mode selector, so that people can choose which mode they like 
• Toggle GUI off hotkey if you want to quickly take some screenshots without the city names in the way
• Would also be nice if there could be more planes added for more variety

here's an example of an overhead compass I found online btw

Hope you see this comment as it was just something I put together quickly, no pressure for adding these features if u don't have the time :)


A button to flip the top down camera so that north is the top of the screen would be nice, as the camera gets into weird rotations frequintly

Not bad. Would be cool if there was something to point us in the right direction for deliveries.


Ya maybe a hint that pops up if you don't drop the package for a while or a hint button would be helpful for learning the geography. Extra points if you can do it without a hint


the map is like google earth on steroids! I wish I could slow down and just explore it a bit more

(1 edit)

An awesome work among every project i tried here ! Much poetry to mix "natural" knowledge for finding your way with water and mountains, and human knowledge by knowing cities of the world as your goals. Will enjoy it many times i'm sure. Deep work, with graphics which improve feelings


This is amazing and thanks for sharing your awesome demo and source code ! I made some tweaks to support flying with a game controller, changed the plane for fun and tried a rough Android port too -


Nice for kids and adults to learn country positions.


Android support plss


Made a rough Android port here -

how to i deploy


Deleted post

To make it work in Steam :
Game => Add non steam game
Then right click on the game in Steam => properties
Change the target as it will have skip the part after the space

pretty fun actually


can u give a hint button

amazing game design and idea pls make more refined

this makes me learn countries

oh cool I know your channel

very fun experience I would suggest letting the player know the country he is over

thats just making it easier



I have been wanting to play this so bad since you put those videos out! Thank you!


Is there an option to display country names (and even big cities)? It would be a great way to learn geography, and complementary with the main mode (with which I have the feeling that I don't learn anything: actually, I spend my time missing my objectives by at least 5000km).

I second the suggestion to have the ability to go slower, or to have a bigger planet. Right now the plane travels too fast for me.

Deleted post

I like the game so far. Could I recommend barrel rolls?


Really beautiful game. Some improvements I would suggest:

  • I would appreciate a compass to know which way is north, I lost my bearings a few times. 
  • Ability to change the speed, often found myself going too fast trying to work out where I am.
  • Transition away to a top-down view when dropping a parcel, so you can see how close your guess was easily. 
  • Reduce the exaggeration of the terrain height. I looked over done especially on some of the small islands Maybe use some kind of log function so the mountain ranges still stand out 

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